
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We started the day in true Calgary fashion with an introduction to the Cadillac Ranch line dance. Dancing along to "Achy Breaky Heart", students now know that Billy Ray Cyrus is not just Miley's father, but was also a pop country icon during the late 80's/early 90's :)

Today we concluded our class novel, "Frindle". Ask your child how the story ended. We will be making connections to the story tomorrow with a creative writing activity.

Social Studies:  We continued to chart the First Nations resources in each Region of Alberta, building on our recent studies. Students also explored non-fiction literature about the First Nations people, focusing on specific tribes.

Language Arts:  Both classes should be finished their good copies of their family stories.  We will start oral story telling later this week.


Last day for submitting a picture of the school logo is on May 1st... Students/parents can check the bulletin board outside the office for the logos students will vote on.