
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We have almost mastered the Cadillac Ranch dance. Tomorrow, we tackle the Electric Slide.

After gaining inspiration from our class novel "Frindle", students spent the morning inventing their own new word. We have begun writing paragraphs about our new words without ever mentioning the real name. Students will eventually be sharing their writing and making guesses as to what the new words really mean.

In math, Grade 3's continued practicing division skills, while Grade 4's worked on equivalent fractions and comparing fractions.

Room #4 shared interesting facts about various First Nations people and traditions that we researched and we finished off the day exploring seedless plants and the process of photosynthesis.

Room #3 students went on a hearing and sound walk this afternoon to explore some of the new concepts they are studying in science.


Homework (Room #4 - science "A Tree is Like a Hungry Kid" activity sheet) - Due tomorrow!

Last day for submitting a picture of the school logo is on May 1st... Students/parents can check the bulletin board outside the office for the logos students will vote on.

May 6 - orders open for Healthy Hunger Pizza Lunch on May 30

May 9 - snack sale yogurt tubes (50 cents)